Oct 15, 2010

Wish I could see in Roah's mind.....

Me: "Hey boys! We are going to go see Great Grandma Thomas tomorrow......"
Roah: "We are going to go see Great Grandma Thomas in prison?"
Me: "Prison? What are you talking about?"
Roah: "Or in Juvi?"
Me: "Ummmm....Great Grandma has never been in either of those places Roah, why did you think that?"
Roah: "I don't know.."

Playin with the boys

Of course Roah turned every stick into his gun...By the time we left he had like 6 sticks plastered to his body and refusing to part with them. When I told him that they were NOT coming home with us (Because of his ever growing beaver style pile of sticks on our back patio) he agreed to go hide them if I promised we could come back soon.
He loves his neon orange shoes...He He He...At least I can see him at night with them on as he is running away from me in attempts to not have a time out.

I love how Kobe will pose for pictures....

Oct 13, 2010

FoOtBaLl TiMe...


Kobe the Poser....

Kobe is my lil poser....

Kobe is growing up way too fast, he is becoming such an amazing boy and I'm so blessed to be his mom.....& love, love him......

Many FACES of Roah Balboa......

Roah is looking so grown up to me lately...He has hit a growth spurt or something and I'm realizing my baby is going to be a young man before I know it.

Roah is our comic relief.....Always has a comment or facial expression that puts all of us rolling on the ground.....We love him to the moon & back....